She Came Home

She decided to come home. 

It was time to change her life. 

She let go of the old roles and rules that tried to tame her. 

 She slowly and purposefully began to trust her own divinity. 

She didnt read a book or consult the oracles on how to come home. 

She just finally could no longer stand not being authentically her divine self. 

She shed her skin, like a snake, revealing a freshness that was rough but precious. 

An inner smile shone through her eyes.   She did a happy dance, laughed and twirled in utter abandon. 

The divine feminine world she prayed for opened like a magnificent morning glory. 

This newfound joy insisted on her total engagement. 

 The earth, the moon and the stars opened their arms and welcomed her home. 

 By Dr Sondra Joyce